Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Challenge 10 additional information

Here is the language of the challenge from Plain Digital Wrapper:

• Use at least 50 different elements from at least 10 different designers.
• You may do either a one or two page layout.

Many questions have been asked about this, so we are providing some clarification. One requirement is 50 different elements. If you use 1 sequin 50 times, that is not 50 different elements - that is one element used 50 times. However, the question has come up regarding papers as elements. From Theresa - if the papers are used as elements, they will count as elements. The question then becomes, when is a paper an element. For lack of a better way to put this, let your conscience be your guide. If you cut (real) paper up into strips and put it one a page, those would be elements on the page. If you cut it up into little boxes, those would be elements on the page. If it ends up looking like a quilt, I would have to say that those are all elements, which when taken together, make up the page.

Also, should you wish to use more than 50 elements, or more than 10 designers, you are welcome to!


Rose said...

What if we use 4 different sequins from different designers? Is that 4 different elements??

Carina said...
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Autumn said...

I try to stay positive...but this challenge really was horriying to do. I didn't have fun creating this AT ALL. Sorry for being so negative.