Monday, July 2, 2007

Registration is Well Underway!

I've been registering teams like mad. In fact, I register teams in my sleep. We've got close to 80 teams already. If you've submitted an application and have NOT heard back from me yet (11:00 PM PDT) please send me an e-mail because I have contacted everyone I've received an e-mail from.

Contact me at

A few people have posted questions in the comments section. I'll try to get to those tomorrow. Sadly, Blogger doesn't let me e-mail you, even though you enter your e-mail address. Not sure why that is, but it means I can't respond personally to you, but I will address all open questions in my next blog post. Which I hope will be tomorrow.

Now it's time for bed, so I can register more people in my dreams...


Bonnie said...

lol! I hope you had pleasant dreams and didn't register too many in your sleep! At least my sister and I are registered now! thank you! And thank you for hosting this amazing race!

2 chic chicks said...

Thank you so much for doing all this hard work to create a FUN event!! I cant wait!
Thank you also for swapping out our blinkie, it looks much better now that its the correct size!!!

2 chic chicks

Kimberly said...

Wow - and look at ALL of the super cool blinkies going!!! Can't wait can't wait!!